Home Books


This is a list of books I have read, want to read and summaries thereof!



Books I have completed from cover to cover.

This does not include the pages near the first or last cover. Those pages are boring.

Atomic habits

Where to start… This book is simply amazing. The goal of the author, James Clear, is to teach the reader the importance of micro or rather atomic habits. As these habits stack on one-another, they can used to grow the perfect lifestyle or grow to your greatest obstacle daily, if negative habits build up. This remarkable piece dives in depth on the steps that should be followed to build atomic habits. Before the advice on how to accomplish these habits start, James teaches the reader the importance of all actions. He uses a 4-word summary. This being everything we do is related to the below:

  1. Cue: What triggered you to want to do something.
  2. Craving: You want to do something because of x, y and z.
  3. Response: What you do.
  4. Reward: What you feel afterwards.

James focuses on these 4 elements of all actions throughout the whole book and teaches the reader how to specifically dive deep into each of the sections. As you read further into the book the example become specific and the book closes off with a section that expands on life lessons from the four laws.

Rating: 5/5


The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People

I started reading this book a few years ago and always stopped. My dad has always asked me to read it as he mentioned it’s simply amazing. I want to read it to see what the fuzz is about and to see if I can achieve the habits that the group of highly successful people posses.

Change your world

Late in December I saw a sale from a store called Cum books (pronounced kuum). In this sale I bought 11 books and this book was one of them. The reasons for choosing this book was solely based on it’s title, flashy cover, low price and my emotion.


Each book describes what I perceive the book to be as well as why I want to read it. When I finish with a book from the Current section I will simply snatch one from this section and move it to the mentioned section.


Rich dad, poor dad (re-read)

The 5AM club

48 Laws of Power

Moonwalking with Einstein