Home LUpdating 104

LUpdating 104

LUpdate 104.1

As mentioned in LUpdating 103 I started my new job 3 weeks ago! I jumped into quite a storm with a lot of changes happening within the company, but not too much affecting me. I am by far the most inexperienced developer within the team of 7 (8 soon) and this brought much anxiety at the start. I quickly realized that my role wasn’t to be like the others, but rather to combat the current way. I have started my 3rd task and I’m thoroughly enjoying it! On fun it beats AWS by A LOT! The work is applicable and easy to see the fruit thereof.

LUpdate 104.2

I have started a joint venture with two of my friends! I won’t be saying too much on the topic yet, but I am estatic to see what we come up with! If you are keen to explore the unknown with me, take a look at sqoops.co.za!

LUpdate 104.3

I want to focus on squash this year, but Padel has stolen my heart! I haven’t dedicated too much into it, but the itch is most certainly itching constantly! It’s an extremely fun and challenging sport. It’s also pleasing to know that I can challenge my closest friends in this heat-piercing game.

LUpdate 104.4

My project that I mentioned in LUpdating 103.6 hasn’t made much progress, but it is always on my mind! I had a friend who took a look at it and they loved it! The concept, the work done, the ideas, everything. This sparked something within me to see someone else’s eyes light up at something I created. I have spoken to our company CEO through the inductions and around the coffee station and it fascinated me how he behaves. His mindset, way of speaking and personal views sparked an interest into the mind of the success on my side. Both these events taught me a lot about myself and I will be writing down what I learn throughout my time!

LUpdate 104.5

Each year our church leadership has a “shuffle”. We have leaders, area leaders and pastors. Each pastor has a handful of area leaders and each area leader a handful of leaders. This stems from the model Moses’ father in law asked for in Exodus 18. Now our senior leadership team believes that change is great for growth. (Ps. I agree wholeheartedly!) With this mindset we shuffle area leaders for all leaders and pastors for all area leaders. This event happened on 01 Feb and I’m happy with the area leader that is appointed above me.

LUpdate 104.6

My wife has joined me in studying. Well, kind of! I am busy with my Bachelor’s of Theology and she will be studying the same core degree. Her degree differs in that she has a focus on counselling. Half of all her modules are for counselling whereas mine are theology only. I am excited to sit together and challenge the love of my life daily to be the best student!

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