

A new direction for TIWIL VI

Currently TIWIL posts have quite some detail contained in them and take a good few minutes to write and compose. I want to modify this a bit and include less detail. I want these posts to be short reads where I jot down some quick ideas. If I like a concept to the point that I spent some time on it I want to create separate posts with detail.


I have always known how to build basic styling into a website but most of this is done via copy, paste, slight edit and then settling. Over the last week my perspective of this has changed as I want to understand the logic thereof. I don’t consider my right-hand brain to be strong, but I do consider myself as a learner and through this I know I will conquer this unknown too! So what did I learn? The absolute basics. Why there are <html> and <body> tags. I obviously knew they existed before, but now I can give an actual definition and explanation. What different tags do. How easy and extremely difficult it is to make something look nice. How easy the concept of animations are. And much more!

New word

I heard the word unrequited being used in a talk. This sparked massive interest as I have never in my 23 years of life heard this word. The word means a feeling not being returned, especially love. Google’s sentence mentions “he’s been pining with unrequited love” which suggests the person in question has been experiencing deep longing or yearning for someone, but the affection is not reciprocated. This is such a powerful word and it made me reflect on the past where a word so sad, yet beautiful fully described what I am feeling.

The simplicity in Nike’s slogan

Just do it. Whatever you’ve been hesitant on, just start. The joy you’re searching for is in the work that lies ahead. Every “aha!” moment will bring you so much joy and passion that you’ll become addicted. Every struggle, breakthrough, issue will motivate you more and more. Just. Do. It. Just start. I have started working on a few projects (which I will definitely expand on in a future post) and by not planning everything to death, not worrying about the direction of how it’s going to look, not worrying about all the worries, I have actually gained tremendous momentum and joy.

A beautiful quote

“I’ve been sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.” If anyone reading this has been wanting a sign, this is the sign. Start it, stop it, don’t go, do go, let it go, tell them you like them, invite them to the game, smile at a stranger, give a fist bump to a baby, pet a dog. Just know there is more to life than sicked and tiredness.

This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.