Home Spirituality


This is a summary of what I have learned as throughout my journey as a Christian.

Table of Contents

Bible Study


The start of it all.

Ch. 1

The Spirit of God roamed the earth. God created light. He called the light day and the darkness night. God divided the waters above and below by a fermanent and called it Heaven. This was the second day. The third day God created Earth and the Seas. As well as herbs, fruits etc from the ground. God made the Sun, the moon, the stars and created days, seasons, etc in the fourth day. The fifth day God made all the living things. Those of the sea, of air and of land. On the sixth day God created man. God gave all that He created to man, by His own words.

Thoughts What or Who is the Spirit that roamed the earth? What is the firmament that divided the waters and Heaven? Why did He say we when He created man?

Ch. 2

The creation humanity.

God saw that it was good all that He created. He rested on the 7th day. Rain didn’t exist yet, water came from under upwards. God made the 4 rivers of the world, Pison, Gihon, Hiddekel and Euphrates.

God made man from the dust or the earth and breathed the breath of life into man. God gave every tree to man, that he may eat of it all especially the twee of life, but only a singular tree, the tree of knowledge of good and evil he may not eat from. God allowed Adam to name every single animal, but that wasn’t enough. He then let Adam fall into a deep sleep and created another from Adam’s rib. Adam called her woman because she is made from man. Both were naked, but not ashamed.

Thoughts Why does God mention the 4 rivers by name? There are few things God named Himself. Why are the rivers important? Why do we only later learn the name of Adam. God gives us everything and only asks a single thing in return, yet we still choose sin.

Ch. 3

The chapter starts off with the introduction of the serpent. Which we later learn is the devil. This serpent entices the woman to eat of the tree of good and evil and that says that she won’t die. She does so and entices Adam to do the same. The two hide themselves from God because they realised they have sinned and are aware of their nakedness. God publishes them by making woman give difficult birth and serving man. Man is punished by having to work all his life. Adam calls his wife Eve as she is the mother of all mankind.

Thoughts What would’ve happen if the two obeyed God’s word? How many things has God given me and yet I still chose the things He asked me to turn away from?

Ch. 4

Cain and Abel are born to Eve. Cain being tiller of ground and Abel a sheep keerper. Both brothers offered to the Lord, but only Abel’s offering was accepted. Cain despised this and murdered his brother. Cain shall become a fugitive and vagabond to the earth. Although anyone that harms Cain shall be punished 7 fold.

Cain had a son named Enoch.

Eve had another son named Seth.

Thoughts We see the first sin after the eating of the apple and God again talks about punishment. Cain was jealous - within the first few 100 words of the Bible we already see what jealousy does.

Ch. 5

Seth had children and a few generations later Enoch (different to Cain’s son) was born. This Enoch walked with God and God took him straight to heaven. He never died on earth.

We read of the genealogies all the way from Adam to Noah. We learn about Enoch which was taking by God and that each of the men were hundreds of years old. We end the chapter off seeing that Lamech, the father of Noah, saying that his son “comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed.”. The last verse mentions Noah’s 3 children Shem, Ham and Japheth

Thoughts Why did God take Enoch to heaven? Why did God now choose to use Noah. Why not anyone else?

Ch. 6

Angels had sons and daughters with the women of the earth. Giant’s also rome the earth. God stopped this and changed the age of men to 120 years max. God became very displeased with all men and wanted to kill everything He created but Noah found grace in Him.

The rest of the chapter speaks about the ark that Noah must build. This ark will have a length of 300 cubits, height of 30 cubits and a breadth of 50 cubits. This ark will contain a male and female of every animal. Noah was allowed to take his wives, 3 children and their wives on the ark as well.

Thoughts Never understood how ALL animals could fit, but this was God’s power. He can do anything. It’s also kind of God to allow some men to continue living. Already we see that if you’re a man of faith God will spare you.

Ch. 7

The flood comsumed all life on earth but Noah was kept alive. The water was as high as 15 cubits and even the mountains were covered with water.

Ch. 12

Abram is commanded by God to leave his country and go to Isreal where he will be a father for the nation of Isreal. He wil be blessed with many children. In his journey Abram went to Egypt because there was a famine. He told Sarai, his wife, to act as his sister so that the Egyptians don’t kill him and take her. Then after they took her and blessed them, plagues came unto them and the Pharaoh asked Abram what he has done. He tells him to leave Egypt.

Thoughts Abram listened instantly. Sarai also listened to Abram and stuck to the plan as she knew it’s for the better. God most likely plagued the Pharaoh. When we follow God, He takes care of our enemies!

Ch. 15

Abram questions God about His promise to give him many children. He has been without a child for a while and is becoming old. God promises Him that He will stick to His word. He does this by telling Abram to offer animals.

Thoughts What deep sleep fell onto Abram? Abram is one of the top 5 known people in the Bible - it is okay to lose faith for a while, but still have trust in God. Always have faith but don’t feel like you cant turn back to God if you lost some.

Ch. 21

Sarah bores a child to Abraham when he is 100 years old. The child is Isaac. Sarah doesn’t like the bond-woman with whom Abraham had a kid and tells him to rid of them. God tells Abraham that he must tell the bond-woman and her son to leave but he will make a great nation out of the son. When they left, they didn’t have water and she cried onto God. An angel from Heaven said God heard the cry and gave them water. Abraham and Abimalech made a deal that they would not deal falsely with one another.

Thoughts Why did we go from the bond-woman’s son to Abimalech and Abraham? What is the importance of the sware that Abraham and Abimalech made? Abraham had great patience. It’s been 25 years since God had promised him to make him a father of a nation. God wants us to have patience and rewards us. He does not lie.


Ch. 38

God answers Job after he has been blaming Him. God asks Job a long list of rhetorical questions. All these questions have a sarcastic tone. These questions are along the line of what God has created and asking if Job was there, can also do it or understands it.

Thoughts Asking God questions is fine, but accusing him of doing something wrong is not. God is the creator of ALL. He was, is and will be able to do anything all the time.


Ch. 1

Genealogy of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Holy Ghost

Jesus Christ is the son of Abraham, the son of David. From Abraham there are 14 generations to David the king. From David there are 14 generations to the carrying away into Babylon. From carrying away into Babylon there are 14 generations to Christ Jesus.

Jesus was born to Mary the virgin. No human had any interference with the creation of Jesus Christ. Jesus existed without the seed of life which is a man’s sperm. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost.

Joseph was the husband of Mary and the father of Jesus.

Jesus’ name shall be called Emmanuel which means God with us.

Thoughts Fascinating that it was 42 generations (14 * 3). The bible mentions 40 quite often! I didn’t know Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost. The father of God the Son is God the Holy Spirit which is God the Father. Even the first book of the new testament refers to the Holy Trinity.

Ch. 2

King Herod, wise men, star, hiding from Herod

King Herod heard of Christ being born which is the King of the Jews. He was not happy and gathered people. Thereafter he sent the wise men to Bethlehem where Jesus was born. They followed the star that guided them towards Christ. They worshipped Him even when he was mere days old. God told them in a dream not to return to Herod and they listened. An angel told Joseph to head to Egypt until the death of Herod and so the family did. The angel again spoke to them and said they are to head to the land of Israel after the death of Herod. Joseph instead went to Nazareth after he heard that Herod’s son was reigning over Isreal.

Thoughts Prophets of the old testament is mentioned multiple times here. Jeremiah and another. The cross reference is interesting!

Men already not listening to the Word of God.

Ch. 3

John the Baptist, baptism, prophecy of the Holy Ghost, God speaking

We learn of John the baptist which is a great person. He speaks of a prophecy of one that is better than Himself. That one being the Holy Ghost. He baptised even the Pharisees and Suddacees. John didn’t want to baptize Jesus, he wanted to be baptized by Jesus. Jesus told him that he needs to baptize Him. After the baptism when Jesus arose from the water the heavens opened up, the Spirit of God descended like a dove and God spoke saying this is my beloved son in who I am well pleased

Thoughts First interaction of John the baptist is really cool!

We already see that prophecies play an extremely important role.

John knew who Jesus was but yet Jesus knew He needed to be baptized like everyone else.

God speaks for the first time in new testament. This is 1 of 3 times in the whole new testament we hear the voice of God.


Table summary

Chapter5 Word SummaryExtended summaryFavorite verses 


Ch. 1

Paul introduces himself in a letter to the Romans. Paul is very happy about the faith of the Romans and he is finally ready to come and visit them. It seems like Paul didn’t, but he mentions he longs to visit them. Paul is ready to preach the gospel of the Christ and isn’t afraid to say it! God is revealed through things not always seen. They turned away knowing of His power. There’s also mention of them (unsure who them is) praying to idols rather than God. They pray to things the Creator created instead of praying to the Creator Himself. They do all the sins, more than 15 mentioned. Although they know committing these sins will cause death, they don’t only commit them, but praise others who do.

Thoughts God is revealed through things not always seen. Stop praising sinners. Stop being afraid of the gospel of Christ and stand up for your faith. God will handle them, he can do everything.

Through the Bible

Through the Bible is a series of Bible plans I follow on the Bible (YouVersion) App. I choose a plan at random and usually it’s a few days per book of the Bible.


16/11/23 - Day 1 Chapter 1-3 Isaiah speaks what the Lord has told him. How the Lord feels about the people turning away from Him. They focus on the things of the world, riches, bribes, gifts and nothing from God. Isaiah is very clear how the wicked will fall. God also mentions that He wants to clean them and wash them as white as snow. He tells them they do have another chance. Chapter 2 speaks of the mountain of the Lord. This sounds like a wonderful place to be! Does this mountain refer to Heaven?

Day 2 Chapter 4-8 Chapter 4 mentions that the Lord is the perfect branch and the only branch we should get food from. Chapter 5 is song of the vineyard. Where Isaiah speaks of how Judah and Isreal are turning away from the correct wine. Very interestingly this chapter speaks of staying up late drinking and waking up chasing after their drink. Chapter 6 is awesome! Isaiah saw the Lord and the seraphims surrounding the Lord. One of them brought Isaiah a live piece of coal taken from the alter to eat so that he may be clean. God asks who will speak to the people and Isaiah says I am here. As a prophet you must always be ready to say “Here I am” when God calls. In chapter 7 Isaiah’s son is mentioned. I never knew he had a son. Isaiah prophecies the birth of Immanuel.

Isaiah had a child with a prophetess in chapter 8! The last part of the chapter speaks of people calling to spiritists and the dead when they are still alive. Let demons stay dead and darkness dark. Let us call on the living light!


16/11/2023 - Day 1 Chapter 1-4 Ezekiel was only 13 when God called him. He saw visions of God and the angels. These chapters describe how awesomely powerful God is. He explains in depth how the angels looked. How bright, powerful and mighty they are.

In chapter 2 Ezekiel is tasked by God. He is also given a scroll he must eat. On the scroll were words of lament, mourning and woe.

In chapter 3 God puts Ezekiel through many things that would kill a man. I perceive this as God building confidence in Ezekiel. Showing him that the Lord will save him. He also mutes Ezekiel as God knows he would want to rebuke and kill all of them.

In chapter 4 Ezekiel is told by God to eat defiled food. Food cooked over human excrement. Ezekiel says no to God and God changes His mind to allow Ezekiel to eat food cooked over cow dung. I cannot believe that one of the great prophets openly said no to God!

Day 2 Chapter 5-8 It starts off where God reveals the sharp razor to Ezekiel God speaks of how Isreal has turned away from Him. God further reveals how He will let them fall to the sword. He will spare some so that they may confess what happened to the nations of the world. Chapter 7 further elaborates that the end has come. God won’t be pityful and everything will be turned around! The last chapter speaks of the idolatry in the temple of the Lord. How the elders are turning to idols and saying that God has forsaken them. Even within the inner room of the temple there were 25 men praying to the sun. God will deal with them in anger!

Day 3 Chapter 9-12 God commanded the executioners to destroy all in the city, starting with the temple, who are sinning. Ezekiel cries out to God to stop because He will kill everyone, but God says it must be done because of their sin. God did have compassion though, He saved all who hated sin. He marked them before He executed those of sin.